Product Description
Dramatically increase the accuracy and speed of setting Minimum and Maximum stock levels for some or all products. Now includes Min/Max optional strategies.
- Stock Items - all, one or a range
- Analysis Codes - all, one or a range
- Supplier or Preferred Supplier
- Locations - all or a single location
- Branch
History and Average Sales Settings
- Number of Months Cover – type in the number of months of stock you want to have on hand at any time. This is used to determine what the suggested Min/Max quantity should be.
- Number of Months Demand History to Display – type in the number of months of demand history you want to display in the Min/Max workbench.
- Number of Months to Calculate Demand History – type in the number of months historical demand you want to use for calculating the Average Sales. This is only use if the Reorder method is set to Average Sales.
Filter Settings
- Include stock items with no suggested reorder – In the workbench if you select by analysis code, ticking this option will result in all stock items for that analysis code being displayed even if you have plenty of stock.
- Include Indent Stock Items - Indent items will be included in the workbench if they match other selection criteria. If Indent items are always linked to a Sales Order you would not want to include in the Reorder Workbench.
- Include Forward Orders – If selected then forward orders will be included in the demand calculation.
- Include Hold and Do not commit in Backorder – If selected then the calculation of demand will include any quantities on forward order even if the stock is not committed.
- Include Backorders – If selected the calculation of demand will include all backorders – this is recommended.
- Default All Locations – If selected the workbench will default to calculating the reorder across all locations. If each location is responsible for their own reordering then do not select this option.
Setting Min and Max Quantities
- The workbench has columns for Min Qty and Max Qty showing the current setting for each stock item and each location.
- These may be edited within the Workbench - while referring to the Demand History and Average Sales displayed side-by-side.
- When ready, click the Update Min/Max button to update the Min & Max quantity records for all selected stock items.
*This app is part of the Premium Pack