Product Description
This app enables automatic generation of eDocs between Companies in the same Greentree database without requiring the use of scraping.
- Creation of eDoc AP Invoices and Credits
- Automatic creation of eDoc AP Invoices when an AR Invoice is distributed for intercompany transactions
- Enables mapping of internal Customers and Suppliers within Greentree
- Allow for Many to Many relationships between internal company Customers and Suppliers
- Allows for missing Customer – Supplier mapping
- Reporting of missing Customer – Supplier mapping
- Retain email tracker record of AR Invoices sent (if App 010083 is installed)
- The invoice will not be emailed to the Customer
- GL mappings defined on the Customer provide for source and target GL lines to have different GL codes.
The App can also be configured to process Standing Invoices. They will be automatically coded and generate AP Invoices from eDocs generated in the target internal company if AR Customer’s Inter Company Allow Auto Invoicing: Standing Invoice = true.